For those who don't know, Sia is an amazing Australian singer. I first discover her upon listening to Zero7's debut album "Simple Things" where Sia sung on a few tracks, including "Destiny" which I was immediately taken by.
I sought out and found her album "Colour the small one" which was even more amazing - Breathe Me and Sunday are exceptionally beautiful songs, the former having made it onto my Top 50 Songs list. She also recently released a great cover of Radiohead's Paranoid Android.
So it was with great anticipation that I got her latest album.
So far I would say it doesn't quite have the emotional core that "Colour" has, but some of the songs are still beautiful and her voice is still amazing. My favourite song at the moment is Academia which has some amazing lyrics and rhythms.:
Her voice is amazing - altering between weak and fragile to strong and bold and has this beautiful husky quality.the mean of our heights is divided by the nights
which is times'd by the daggers and the route of all our fightsand if i am a number i'm infinity plus one
and if you are five words you are afraid to be the one
and if you are a number you're infinity plus one
and if i am four words then i am needing of your love
I once saw her on The Glasshouse and she seems like an absolute nutter - but she makes great music (like most nutters do!)